Rod Dreher writes for the Dallas Morning News a suprisingly candid and sobering account of the GOP and what they missed in Dr. Paul.

Dreher, a self-proclaimed Huckabee fan, states, "The same GOP establishment that mocked and reviled Dr. Paul now lies shattered. Who believes in this Republican Party anymore? The party destroyed itself with its own unprincipled recklessness, both in foreign and fiscal policy. And it has ruined its reputation among the young - the most ardent of Dr. Paul's supporters, incidentally - who are far more likely to identify with the Democrats."

Website commenter JWest has an especially worthy comment, including:

"Newspapers are declining because they tell us what they think we should know rather than telling what we should know. There are no crusades, skepticism, honest discourse or deserved skepticism of government institutions anymore. Corporate media goes along to get along and in doing so loses its integrity and importance and people will look elsewhere for the truth that is staring them in the face and which you avoid."

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