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NOTE: Show starts at 6 minute mark on these mp3's now!
September 14, 2013 - 1st Hour
September 14, 2013 - 2nd Hour


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Today's Topics and Show Links:

1st Hour

Code of Iowa 1927

Preface to Code of Iowa 1927, titled "PREFACE TO CODE, 1924":

White v Hart 1871 with NOTES!

Thank you Tim in Illinois for the notes on this important SCOTUS case.

The journey of SmartMan to save the world

by Jon Rappoport
September 13, 2013

SmartMan, who worked for the US Department of Control, often went into deep meditation during the prescribed afternoon periods, utilizing the prescribed DOJ mantras.

It was during one of these meditations that he discovered something that shook him to the core.

He promptly ran out into the street, to get away from the office, and walked up and down the block, to calm himself down, and finally sat in the park across the from the Capitol Building.

He opened his Gov124r and began searching through his Major Names file.

He found one, made a coded call, and waited.

An hour later, NoMan appeared to his left and took a seat on a bench, where he opened a brown paper bag and began throwing crumbs on the grass for pigeons.

SmartMan walked over and sat down next to his old CIA friend.

" What is it?" NoMan said.

" I was just meditating," SmartMan said, "and I found a loophole. Actually, it might be a wormhole, and its implications are devastating."

" Devastating to whom?"

" Us."

" What mantra were you using?"

" Why is that important?" said SmartMan.

" Everything is important," said NoMan.

" Number 12, the third modulation of the Hindu corkscrew. I rarely employ it, but today, for some reason, I thought it would yield up results. But nothing like THIS."

" And this is?"

SnartMan took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

" The future is open. That's what I saw. THE FUTURE IS OPEN. It has no shape."

NoMan stopped throwing crumbs on the ground. There were no pigeons anyway. They were all dead.

" Open in what specific sense?" he said.

" Well," SmartMan said, "the future hasn't happened yet. That's part one. Part two is, it hasn't been created. And part three is, people apparently have the power to create it."

NoMan frowned.

" Were these thoughts that occurred to you," he said, "or images?"

" Neither," SmartMan said. "I saw a Void. It was...huge. Perhaps infinite in size. It was all empty space. It made my skin crawl."

" Really."

" It was uncontrolled."

" You saw no monitors?"

" None."

" No surveillance?"

" None."

" No corporate outposts?"

" No."

NoMan took out his cell and thumbed through a number of headings.

" I'm not finding anything," he said. "I see plans for futures, blueprints, psyops, cities that cover whole worlds, but no Void."

" We've overlooked it," SmartMan said. "People can put things into it. Unanticipated things."

" Hmmm..."

" I tried," SmartMan said, "to get a fix on its location, but I couldn't. That didn't make sense to me. But then I realized the Void wasn't really a place at all. It was potentiality. It was like walking into your kitchen and seeing an H-bomb on the floor."

" Potentiality," NoMan said. "A slippery idea."

" Well," SmartMan said, "it's a state of affairs, a condition, a situation that could occur, like a press conference where the President strides to the podium and suddenly says, 'The whole country is a fake reality we built for you.'"

" If the Void isn't a geo-location, then how do we police it," NoMan said.

" Exactly," SmartMan said.

" I mean, how much mind control do we have to exert?"

" Exactly."

" You used the word 'create,'" NoMan said.

" Yes," SmartMan said. "That's what the Void may be for. It could be a state of mind before creation."

" Creation by whom?"

" Anyone."

" For example, an individual person?"

" Yes."

" But," NoMan said, "we're all linked up now. I'm you and you're me, and you and I are everybody, and everybody is everybody else. We've made the connection."

" We thought so," SmartMan said. "Apparently, we overlooked some key factor. At the very end of my meditation, I saw a world completely asleep. And yet the Void didn't go away. It was still there."

" You know," NoMan said, "we might find an answer over at DARPA. They're working on a Condition Bomb. It's still in the early stages."

" What is it?" NoMan said.

" Well, the mathematics are very complicated, but basically you pick a condition, any condition, feed the description into a computer, and then an algorithm pops up. The algorithm, they say, sniffs out the mass consciousness that is parallel to the condition, and it wipes out that aspect of consciousness. Blows it into smithereens."

" So if we could feed Void into the machine, it might erase it," SmartMan said. "It might cripple or destroy the capacity to create."

" Eliminating the problem before it occurs."

SmartMan sat back. "And we save the world."

" I'm going to guess," NoMan said, "that when you encountered the Void in your meditation, you also found a great deal of freedom there."

" It was worse than that," SmartMan said. "There wasn't any freedom THERE. I felt it in MYSELF."

" You mean, despite all your training, you still experienced that...surge?"

" It was like a stroke of lightning. For a second, I thought I was having a heart attack."

" This is more serious than I thought," NoMan said. "We're going to need to mount a new propaganda campaign."

" Against what?" SmartMan said.

" Against the Void. Against nothing."

" We could call Nothing a mental disorder," SmartMan said.

" Absolutely. But we need something more, too. Propaganda messages. 'God doesn't want you messing around with the Void. It's the Dark Side. It's Satanic.' And 'There are hideous creatures in the Void, giant spiders that suck you into their maw.' A whole host of covert messages."

" 'Void is the enemy,'" SmartMan said. "'Void is selfish and greedy.' 'Void is rebellion. If you go there, you'll be a rebel, too, and your neighbors will shun you.' 'Parents who enter Void could have their children taken away by the State."

" Good," NoMan said. "Remember those. We'll develop an anti-Void vaccine. And more messages: 'See a Void, say something.' 'Get help before it's too late.' 'We're all in this together but the Void isn't.' We'll invent a spy who made off with government secrets about the Void and we'll capture him."

" We can pick a country and say it's used Void on its own people and we have to bomb that country to keep it from happening again."

" Colleges will begin propagandizing Void as an old discredited system that stands against progress for humanity. 'The Void is racist.'"

" Starting in kindergarten, we'll have kids chanting NO VOID NO VOID."

NoMan stared at the sky.

" I think we can get a handle on this," he said.

" For the sake of the world," SmartMan said.

But as he said this, he felt the creeping feeling again. The surge, at the edge of his mind. The taste of the crazy...freedom-thing. As if he didn't care. As if he didn't care about anything. As if he was sitting at the prow of a ship on the ocean, and he could go anywhere and nobody could stop him. Half-formed ideas came tumbling out of some dim place and they made his blood pump faster. HE WAS ALIVE.

He reached into his pocket for his gun. He was going to kill himself. But the gun wasn't there.

He looked at NoMan, who nodded at him. The whole park began to dissolve. Into white. White light. White sheets. White walls.

" We tracked you from the moment you ran out of your office," NoMan said. "We knew you were in Void. You're at Walter Reed. We're treating you. We don't want you to die. You're important to us. You're going to become a prime subject in our anti-Void experiments. We're on to Void. We need people who've been there, who've become contaminated. We'll save you and use you. For the common good. We're Unity, my friend."

SmartMan lay back against the pillow.

He blinked. Now he he saw the immaculate hospital room.

He was safe.

Thank God, he was in the right place.

Here they knew what they were doing.

He had lost control.

Now he would get it back.

He would participate in a great adventure, on behalf of the planet.

" Is this going to hurt?" he said.

" That's not a question we ask, " NoMan said. "We're soldiers. We serve. When our number's called, we take whatever comes. It's the nature of the calling."

SmartMan heard a machine start up. It made several sounds. A rumble, like a tank. A high-pitched whine. And something else. He tried to place it. It was as if...a shovel was striking loose earth, as if someone was digging a hole.

" Wait a minute," SmartMan said.

" It's too late," NoMan said.

SmartMan instinctively reached for that sensation, for the stroke of lightning.

IT WAS THERE, and it suddenly HIT...


He found himself walking down a country road.

On a summer afternoon.

On his left there was a great open field, and on his right a pine forest.

He started running.

He ran and ran and his muscles loosened and he felt a new high coordination and the sensation was sweet.

He kept running...

And it was sweeter still, as he realized he was running toward something.

He didn't know what it was.

But he was going there.

Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29 th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at
