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Received in my email today from the We The People Congress/Foundation, who are planning the Continental Congress 2009.


God bless Ron Paul, Glenn Beck, Edwin Vieira and Bob Schulz.

GOOD NEWS: Each is speaking out about our national suffering and distress, which all agree would never have happened had our elected officials obeyed our Constitution.

Consider just the following ten violations of the Constitution, each of which has undermined our economy, our families and our nation:

Ron Paul's pretty certain that behind the scenes at the G20 central bankers from all over the world, including Ben Bernanke were discussing an international currency. But as Dr. Paul points out, our Federal Reserve is not required by our own law to report to congress on the discussions. Too bad it takes a Russia Today reporter to ask the cogent, relevant questions the American people need to hear answers to.... answers from more than Ron Paul.

Rod Dreher writes for the Dallas Morning News a suprisingly candid and sobering account of the GOP and what they missed in Dr. Paul.

Dreher, a self-proclaimed Huckabee fan, states, "The same GOP establishment that mocked and reviled Dr. Paul now lies shattered. Who believes in this Republican Party anymore? The party destroyed itself with its own unprincipled recklessness, both in foreign and fiscal policy. And it has ruined its reputation among the young - the most ardent of Dr. Paul's supporters, incidentally - who are far more likely to identify with the Democrats."

Writing in Ron Paul?

Sun, 10/19/2008 - 20:22

A friend emailed me a very good question: ... what states can you write in Ron Paul?

Here is a chart on states' write in rules (disclaimer: not sure this is 100%, please check your own state's rules)

This blogger i read often says writing in does not make a statement or an impact that is measurable, because most states won't even report the write ins.

I sent (bcc'd) the following email missive to over fifty friends and family members in my contact list. Below the end of this email copy way below, I am pasting in the replies that I received, abbreviating their names, etc.
Encouraging everyone to pick up the dialog here rather than the ole email chain...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Todd McGreevy
Date: Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 3:27 PM
Subject: Time is running out... Pick up the phone.

Or as a friend of mine put it, "Step up or bend over."
Sorry to spam you.

The worst nightmare for the GOP puppet masters would be Ron Paul's name being uttered into the microphone at the convention. Hear, See, Speak no Ron Paul was the order of the day, no matter how small of a showing his supporters amidst delegates make.

It's a private party, so no one can blame those that paid for (most of) it, to want to dictate the terms.

But their fear of a Ron Paul brand or idea emanating in the Excel Center was obviously palpable.

Richard Winger asks in Ballot Access News

YouTube Channels
Overview as of 9.13.08

In summary, the GOP missed the boat, despite a brilliant "red meat" VP selection.
Ron Paul is still out performing McCain's ticket on YouTube.
Ron Paul has twice as many subscribers and has over 5 times as many channel views.

Presumably in order of popularity
Barrack Obama
Ron Paul
John McCain
Mike Huckabee
John Edwards
Mitt Romney
David Kucinich
Rudy Giuliiani
Mike Gravel
Hillary Clinton
Joe Biden
and so on....

Running for: President

Dr. Paul is the Truth Monger

Wed, 09/10/2008 - 23:25

Ron Paul asks a state department wonk if he ever considers that the billions we send overseas could help our own citizens at home.
No, he says.
Let's send billions to Georgia to protect a pipeline.

Last week Ron Paul hosted the historic Rally for the Republic event in Minneapolis, MN where a reported 12,000 liberty loving, home schooling, pro-gold standard, pro-gun, pro-privacy, pro-property owner rights, pro-non-intervention, pro-constitutionalists gathered from all corners of the U.S. They flocked to what the mainstream press coined the "counter convention", in defiance of the GOP's atrocious disrespect for Dr.

Black Hats, Secret Service & Muted Mics

Fri, 09/05/2008 - 11:57

These accounts are proof of just how fearful the GOP establishment is of the Ron Paul rEVOLution... heaven forbid there would be any discussion of another delegate out loud. The Secret Service even confiscated property from Ron Paul supporters. And according to the LA Times when known Ron Paul supporters approached the microphone it would be turned off. Talk about choreography.... I would have to say that George Orwell's vision of the totalitarian state has arrived and it is alive and well in the GOP.