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Ron Paul's pretty certain that behind the scenes at the G20 central bankers from all over the world, including Ben Bernanke were discussing an international currency. But as Dr. Paul points out, our Federal Reserve is not required by our own law to report to congress on the discussions. Too bad it takes a Russia Today reporter to ask the cogent, relevant questions the American people need to hear answers to.... answers from more than Ron Paul.

I sent (bcc'd) the following email missive to over fifty friends and family members in my contact list. Below the end of this email copy way below, I am pasting in the replies that I received, abbreviating their names, etc.
Encouraging everyone to pick up the dialog here rather than the ole email chain...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Todd McGreevy
Date: Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 3:27 PM
Subject: Time is running out... Pick up the phone.

Or as a friend of mine put it, "Step up or bend over."
Sorry to spam you.

Government gets 80% stake in AIG?

Tue, 09/16/2008 - 22:57

Does anyone really believe the US Government has 80% ownership in AIG?

Can we please see proof of ownership?

I guess the proof of ownership is all the Re-Insurance commitments to over 40 states nationwide?

The "guvment" was already a stakeholder by promising to tax your productivity to back stop commitments made in the private sector by AIG.

Examples recently discussed, but not documented here:

Workmans' Compensation
Variable Annuities Returns

Is $85 Billion even enough?
Where will that and the next $85 Billion come from?

Dr. Paul is the Truth Monger

Wed, 09/10/2008 - 23:25

Ron Paul asks a state department wonk if he ever considers that the billions we send overseas could help our own citizens at home.
No, he says.
Let's send billions to Georgia to protect a pipeline.


Sat, 08/30/2008 - 11:00

www.NoNewOrder.org is ramping up. Will debut at www.rallyfortherepublic.com Check it out.