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From: Todd McGreevy

Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 at 4:20pm

All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right, at all times, to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it. - The Iowa Constitution Bill of Rights ARTICLE I. – BILL OF RIGHTS - SEC. 2 POLITICAL POWER

Dear Fellow Iowan,

Would you be interested in helping establish and support an Iowa Liberty Alliance?

If so, please join me on a Go To Webinar conference call/screen share this Wednesday evening at 7pm CST.

(Details of webinar/conf call below)

The purpose of this call is to measure the interest level of as many of the liberty oriented groups in Iowa, including (but not limited to): Campaign for Liberty, Fully Informed Jury Association, GOOOH, Oath Keepers, Committees of Safety, Iowa Gun Owners Assoc, liberty and constitution focused groups within social network websites, second-amendment, health-freedom, civil-liberties, privacy-advocates, home-schooling, constitutional-study, end-the-fed, sound-currency and Ron Paul meet-up groups… as well as any and all individuals who are interested in our country and our state’s founding principles.

The success of this effort will rely in a great part on your help in distributing this invitation to people you know would want to participate or learn more.

What will be explored on this call – Short Version

There are many plans and many groups working hard on solving problems in Iowa.
But in small groups we will not prevail.
All ships rise equally. We are all rowing in the same direction.

Common Sense Revisited!

USCOA Manhattan rules Fed must turn over bailout documents under Bloomberg FOIA request. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a2rzjENZQV5k
Has the Judiciary had enough of Wall Street?

Bob Schulz has oral arguments on March 11th at the USCOA.

Doing a search for Mr. Schulz's case # Case No. 08-4810 finds this link at the top of the results: http://www.federalreserve.gov/bankinforeg/legaldevelopmentscases.htm

Health Care Reform - How will it be enforced?

Tax Protesting - What has teeth and what will be effective?

Ron Paul's Agenda for a Freedom President

March 13, 2010 CSR Show Notes

Sat, 03/13/2010 - 12:45

Common Sense Revisited!

Listen to Schaefer Cox's explanation to hundreds of attendees at a town hall meeting in Montana last December. He explains the ways people have been taking control of enforcing their own liberties in Fairbanks, Alaska.

Some excellent concepts discussed here as well as actionable things we can all do in our own communities without relying on anyone but ourselves and without asking for permission.

Great stuff here. Thank you Schaefer!

part 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guPm6-ueKjY

part 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov5Z_gAJkh8

part 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay4TKJ1WPBU&feature=related

Thank you Phil Pozderac on Positively Unconstitutional radio show for talking about Collectivism vs Individualism. Here is a great primer on that topic:

G. Edward Griffin's "The Future is Calling" Essays - #1 Primer on Collectivism vs Individualism

Solutions Oriented Efforts:

Articles of Freedom Introduction

We The People Foundation / Bob Schulz Update: AIG Lawsuit, National Clean Election Lawsuit and Articles of Freedom

Common Sense Revisited!

Ron Paul at CPAC - Key Points in Last 8 Minutes

Received in my email today from the We The People Congress/Foundation, who are planning the Continental Congress 2009.


God bless Ron Paul, Glenn Beck, Edwin Vieira and Bob Schulz.

GOOD NEWS: Each is speaking out about our national suffering and distress, which all agree would never have happened had our elected officials obeyed our Constitution.

Consider just the following ten violations of the Constitution, each of which has undermined our economy, our families and our nation:

Conscientious Objector or Borg Member?

Tue, 12/09/2008 - 23:57

Camillo "Mac" Bica, Ph.D. pens some striking thoughts regarding warfare and inalienable human rights in his article "A Crisis of Conscience: Conscientious Objection, Law and Morality"
